User:The citizen

From Plastic Tub

The Citizen is a duofold entity and authors suchly. Comments can be made by writing them below:

Is it true that adkins does not have a copy of The Divers Game? If so, I have one -- but don't particularly look forward to transcribing it . . .

  • Adkins told me he's got a copy but had trouble with cut and pasting it onto the tub. He looked at a couple of other longish texts and attempted to use the same method to format spg, without success. Did we ever find a solution to this problem? Transcription is a bit daunting, seeing as he's currently occupied with transcribing the massive greenbook into word....
  • When formatting longer and formatically troublesome text it's important to remember HTML table structure is not only acceptable but valuable. Get the greenbook up. Maybe one could simply scan the diver(s).