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From Plastic Tub

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Plastic Tub is a repository of lore and history regarding the Accidental Associationalist movement, its activities, major players and splinter movements. All of the information herein has been supplied by amateur historians and participants of the group. While every effort has been made to preserve the accuracy and integrity of the information, please bear in mind that the wiki format allows anyone to change and update entries. Thus we advise all researchers that while Plastic Tub is a good starting point for your work, it should not be considered an infallible authority on any subject. Every effort should be made to verify and cross-check any information contained in this site. Plastic Tub and Vaporslave ( are not responsible for any errors or omissions in this site or the effects these errors may have on your personal projects. Howdy doody

Plastic Tub's

628 articles can best be navigated via the following sections:

Philosopher's Stone: Accidental Associationalism.

Anscelerium of Logos: Glossary of quotes, terms and totems.

Satalitinous Bodies: Groups.

Browse The Tub's Hall of Faces by investigating pertinent Associationalist Personages.

Temporal Touchstones: Important Events.

AA Library: Card catalogue.

or, alternately, in a shotgun blast kind of way, Special:Allpages