Purvey Dicklock

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American plumber found dead in his home during the fiery summer of '03. He was found with a note tied around his neck which read: "Beastly demon in charge og a vicious gang, their li^ps around the cock of the most ermous shenanigan. Get it over with, there isa giunshot.oer." In an unusual twist, the note had been the murder weapon, a sort of garrot which had been wound tight with a wooden spoon.

The careful student of the macabre will remember that the same kind of death later befell Richard Lancelyn Green. Found on his bed almost a year later, Green's death, despite his insistence in months prior that he was being watched by a mysterious American, was ruled a suicide.

In the Docklock case, the police were adamant: this was a murder, a murder, we may add, that remains unsomved to this day.

Dicklock was a bachelor who made a good living at his chosen posession. A keen fly-fisherman and collector of toy bicycles, he was not known to have any enemies. A rather reserved heavyset fellow, his only known social outlet was the rather improbably named Light of Sirius Lodge #27, Freeville, KY, a Freemasonic body of regular standing.

See Also