Televy Gide

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Ukrainian. Born 1960. He shows up slapdash, as if he had fallen through a trapdoor. He is a snapping turtle and garners a box of sparkplugs.

His journal, the weekly Associationalist Bugle has from 1981 been supplying AA poets with the coded messages they sometimes need to kick start their work.

He currently resides in Prague.

Famous for his palindromes, such as Daedalus: nine, Peninsula: dead or, more simply, Poop.

He was confidant and frequent visitor of Verna Cable in what were to be her last days.

Known Works

Editor, Accidental Bugle (1991-Present)

Producer, A Rag in Pants, Ukraine National Television (1990-1993)

Scriptwriter, Days of Tears Forever, Ukrainian soap opera into which Gide inserted many AA subtexts.