Who's Who

From Plastic Tub

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Who's Who
The Plastic Tub is filled with a dizzying array of personalities, some benign, some malefic, all interesting. But just how do all these headstrong men and womean fit into the big picture? Who are the good guys, the baddies, the movers, the shakers and the mere hangers-on. The Who's Who portal etc.
AA'ers Friends Foes Clampers
AA'ers represent those personalities who were affiliated with the originall AA group, founded in the 1940's, and represented in the still classic text, Who We Are. While most certainly including Stimes Addisson and Stimso Adid, this list also includes stalwarts William Flintrock, Mazzistow Carrington....

Others AA'ers include the genration known as The Second Advance, composed primarily of Tim Wilson, Steven Vogeler, David Payne and Steven Adkins.

More about AAers...
These people are not AA'ers, but are generally considered to have identified or admired...etc...or otherwise not considered to be hostile.

Dewey Rose, a smarmy fuck and unmitigated dog pile, got his first break from Balthazar Buehb. Beuhb introduced Rose to painting; Rose introduced Beuhb to explosives. An increasingly delusional and violent Rose would later threaten Adid and Addisson many times....

John P. Merriweather spent his youth visiting tent revivals across the Bible Belt. A cartographer by training, he landed in New York City in 1941 where fell in with a group of business men operating in the shadowy corners of the shipping industry. Two years later he founded The League of Gnomes....

More about Aliokrate, Adcock, and other persona non grata...
Honeybees abound, including Lucretia Borges...etc.

More about clampers...
Further Research
Personages | Death Cults