Elysius Dubord

From Plastic Tub

American. Born, 1904, Amarillo Texas. Died 12 September 1999, Ithaca, New York.

A cousin of Mazzistow Carrington and a known associate of Tommy the Bookie. Prolific author of religious texts in his early life. After 1934 he had a kind of life-changing experience which led him to become a horse trainer, a milieu with which he was familiar due to his shady connections.

Though he died alone in a shitty apartment in Ithaca, Elyisus influenced a generation of occult writers seeeking to link the US Government with Mormo and/or Molech Worship, Gnomic hi-jinx and Freemasonic shenanigans. His books are considered classics in a field usually relegated to the curiosity bin or the New Age shelf. In fact, his works are weighty, even stolid. Although far from accepted, the best mythologists know that Dubord was on the ball and never wrote a blatantly incorrect word.

Known Works

The Origins of Mormo Worship in Chaldean Mythology (1932)

"Mad Black Man"('s) critique of Grumfeld's Controversial Book, "A Tenable Theory Towards the Unpacking of the Lower Peoples"

See Also

This article is a woefully incomplete, perhaps you should do something about that (http://www.plastictub.vaporslave.com/index.php?title=Elysius_Dubord&action=edit).


Elysuis once stapled his hand to a garden post on a dare.

Elysius was named after a field.

An avid baseball fan, Elysius was an regular contributor to E.F. Quarterly (http://www.efqreview.com/).

Elysius could perform over 50 bird calls, a hobby which earned him the nickname "the Whistling nigger" in his hometown of Amarillo.